Intelligent water system can sense the operataional status of urban water supply and drainage system in real time through online monitoring equipments, such as digital meters, wireless networks, water quality and water pressure meters, etc. the system integrate organically the water management department and water supply and drainage facilities in a visual way, to form a " Internet of Things for Urban Water Supplies". the system can analyze and process massive water supply information timely, and make corresponding processing results to assist decision-making suggestions. the system can also manage the entire production, management and service processes of water supply system in a more refined and dynamic way, thus achieving the " intelligent" status.
(1) It is beneficial to discover pipe network faults in time, improve maintenance efficiency, reduce losses, guarantee water delivery and water supply quality, and achieve the purposes of early scientific warning, reduce cost and improve efficiency.
(2) It is conducive for enterprises to standardized management, energy conservation, consumption reduction, efficiency reduction and fine management.
(3) 24-hour dynamic monitoring.
(4) Promote the digitalization, intelligence and standardization of the operation and management of the Water Group.
Platform integration can be realized in drinking water safety monitoring, hydrological monitoring and early warning, sewage treatment and discharge, groundwater monitoring, flood control and drought relief, mountain torrent disaster monitoring and early warning, water resources information etc.